Things you can do to keep your dreadlocks lush!
Keep your dreads separated
- This is super important guys, especially without a maintenance for a longer period.
- Slowly separate your dreadlocks from each other to avoid them getting stuck together. Gently pull the hair so that is slides out of the dread lock. If you have someone who can help (especially with the back) then lucky you!
- You want to be able feel where each dreadlock root is, as a single section.
- By keeping your dreadlocks separated, it will allow your dreadlocks to grow as a single form. If left to grow wild, dreadlocks naturally stick together and can end up resulting in intensive repair job.
- If it’s too late and you have some Siamese dreadies then you will need to get someone to help you. Get a friend to help gently pull the hair loose or/and use scissors to very slowly and carefully snip the hairs connecting the dreadlocks. Contact me if you’re in this position.
Palm rolling
- Wash your dreads = Palm rolling
- Washing your dreads and Palm rolling go hand in hand! Wash your dreadlocks as you normally would then palm roll your dreadlocks from roots to the tips. It’s recommended to do this during the drying process but is more effective if it’s still damp.
- This can be timely, as you should be rolling all you dreadlocks from roots to tops.
- The movement + the dampness creates the perfect combination to train your loose hair to stick to the dreadlock. Like anything, you need to be consistent to see results.
- Spraying your dreadlocks with a salt spray after you wash them but before you dry them, is a great natural way to add to making loose hairs stick when palm rolling.
Whatever you do, SAY NO TO WAX!!
- I know it can be tempting for some but honestly guys its not worth it!
- A great way to style your hair to hind the messiness is to get some cool bandannas. They can help manage loose hairs and fly away around the edges of your face, making it look neater.
- If you do decide to pick up a hook to try and neater your dreadlocks, PLEASE protect your fingers as the hook is extremely sharp and can easily stab you.
Deep Clean
- While dreadlock maintenances aren’t available, I would highly recommend doing an apple cider vinegar deep clean or known as ACV Rinse (Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse). This soak is only suitable for dreads 1+ years old and should only be done 1 – 3 times a year max as it can dry your dreads out if done too often.
- This wash aims to clean your dreadies from the inside out because no matter how clean your hair is you will likely have either or all dandruff, lint, dirt and in another word… BUILD UP. All heads are different and even the best hair hygiene can and will have build up.
- Your hair will be shiny, stripped of buildup and looking lush!